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Pilates, ELDOA, Essential Oils and Wellness
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“I now have much better posture, stronger core, better flexibility, less pain and I feel at least 2 inches taller!”“ ~ Howard Feller
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Pilates and Eldoa
Essential Oils
Articles on Essential Oils
What’s coming up at Urbanwellness
Hi everyone! I have some exciting news! Supporting people in their journey on feeling good in their bodies has been my mission for the last 20+ years. So I am very happy to have a project gearing up to be launched in a couple weeks! It’s a program that will...
Diluting essential oils for topical use
Why dilute essential oils? The word “dilute” usually makes you think of making something less strong or less effective. But it’s actually the opposite when it comes to essential oils. When using oils topically (on your skin), I recommend using a “carrier oil”. A...