We all get a little bit tight from time to time. There are different reasons for muscle tightness, so if simply stretching isn’t working it might help to try another option. Here are 4 things that can help your muscles relax and stretch a little easier:... Ah, posture. That annoying thing that seems to just never be good enough. Pilates helps, but guess what? You could almost be doing Pilates if you did these 3 things all day! They are not Pilates exercises, just alignment principles that help keep your pelvis in... There are many things we do with our bodies that we repeat over and over again, day in and day out, without even realizing it. There are three postures that might seem easy and more comfortable at the time but they actually put stress on the body and cause... I always encourage my Pilates clients, (especially my most beginner clients) to take home a few very simple (but not necessarily easy) exercises and work on them each day at home. Practicing Pilates at home really helps students increase body awareness on their own,... The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning is a complete system of exercises specifically designed to strengthen and stretch the body at the same time. Joe Pilates called this concept “Contrology” because it demands focus and teaches awareness as well as total control of...